Elephant Skin

Namib Desert Beetle

Termite Mounds

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Elephant Skin

How can patterns on elephant skin help us keep buildings cool? Strategy — The bioSEA team has designed modular façade tiles inspired by the bumpy and textured skin of elephants for better cooling. The tiles combine two key mechanisms for passive cooling (self-shading and evaporative cooling) and capillary action for water management. The textured tiles have been simulated for performance benefits and prototypes have been developed and tested in three materials – gypsum, mycelium and clay. The tiles are available in three sizes (10 cm x 10 cm, 15 cm x 15 cm, 20 cm x 20cm)  for application in the industry on real walls. They can be placed standalone or integrated with other green wall designs.
  • Functions Addressed

    Heat Dissipation, Limit Heat Gain, Water Capture

Namib Desert Beetle

How can beetle surface geometry help us capture water from the air? Strategy — The bioSEA team has created tiles by mimicking the geometry of the beetle native to the Namibian Desert. The beetle has tiny bumps on its back that increase the speed of water droplet formation as the beetle ‘fog basks’ to drink water out of fog in its foggy desert home. This pattern has been mimicked at the appropriate scale and tested across various bump shapes and sizes that optimizes condensation and is easy to manufacture. These tiles help with humidity control and water capture and can be deployed across climates.
  • Functions Addressed

    Humidity Control, Water Capture

Termite Mounds

How can termite mound branching systems help us ventilate buildings better? Strategy —  Inspired by the ventilation system of termite mounds, the bioSEA team has created a modular façade wall panel. The breathable panels use Murray’s law based branching structure to improve ventilation between the indoor and outdoor environments and better dissipate heat. The wall deploys a central tube at its core combined with hemispherical cups on either side that enables the panel to better tap on to dynamic wind flows and thereby increase overall air flow in the indoor environment especially at low wind speeds. It also enables a more balanced spatial mixing of wind within the space. The panels are available in standard brick dimensions of 65 mm (height), 102.5 mm (length ) and 215 mm (width).
  • Functions Addressed

    Improve Ventilation, Heat Dissipation

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